Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The stuff that counts

So I've been comparing a lot lately though I'm not really meaning to, and you know what, today I caught myself in the act and actually said out loud "Stop it!"  It's a nasty little trick of Satan's to get us to waste time and energy on not feeling like we are enough. I had to figuratively sit myself down and give myself a little talking to. Some of the key points I got out of that personal conversation were:

* I am God's daughter, and as such I am divine. No matter where or why I feel like I fall short, I am His creation and ALL of God's creations are filled with eternal potential, so instead of feeling like I have let Him down, i need to look to where He is standing ready to help me rise.

* I only see snapshots of other peoples' lives while they are in the trenches of the reality-show version of their life. I am not in their moccasins. I have no idea, really.

* Others only see snapshots of me, for good or for bad. Those who really care will take time to see parts of the movie we call life and not judge based on the still-frames.

* Although I may still have the same struggle day after day, year after year, someone else may have theirs. Let's cheer each other on, not compare.

SO, that's my little insight for the day. Take it or leave it, it's all good.

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